
Understanding New Pickleball Rules in 2024


Pickleball has been gaining immense popularity in recent years. As with any sport, pickleball rules are subject to change and evolve over time to ensure fair play and enhance the overall experience for players. In this article, we will delve into the new pickleball rules that have been introduced in 2024. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner looking to learn more about the game, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the necessary information to understand and adapt to the new rules.

1. Rule Change: Serve

One of the significant rule changes in pickleball for 2024 revolves around the serve. Previously, players were required to execute an underhand serve, similar to a serve in tennis. However, the new rule now allows players to choose between an underhand or an overhand serve. This change aims to add more variety and strategy to the game, as players can now utilize different serving techniques to gain an advantage.

2. Rule Change: Double Bounce Rule

Another important rule change in 2024 is the modification of the double bounce rule. In pickleball, the double bounce rule states that each team must allow the ball to bounce once on their side of the court before returning it. Previously, this rule applied to both the serve and the return of serve. However, the new rule now eliminates the double bounce rule for the serve. This change aims to speed up the game and encourage more aggressive play from the serving team.

3. Rule Change: Non-Volley Zone

The non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen, is a critical area on the pickleball court. Previously, players were not allowed to volley the ball (hit it in the air without letting it bounce) while standing inside the non-volley zone. However, in 2024, a new rule has been introduced that allows players to volley the ball while their momentum is carrying them out of the non-volley zone. This change provides players with more flexibility and allows for exciting and dynamic plays near the net.

4. Rule Change: Scoring System

In 2024, pickleball has also seen a modification in its scoring system. Previously, pickleball games were played to 11 points, and only the serving team could score. However, the new rule now allows both the serving and receiving teams to score points. Additionally, games are now played to 15 points, providing players with more opportunities to showcase their skills and make comebacks during matches.

5. Rule Change: Timeouts

Timeouts are an essential aspect of any competitive sport, allowing players to regroup, strategize, and catch their breath. In 2024, pickleball has introduced a new rule regarding timeouts. Previously, each team was allowed one timeout per game. However, the new rule now allows teams to take two timeouts per game. This change provides players with more strategic options and allows for better game management.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Can I still use an underhand serve in pickleball in 2024?

A1: Yes, the new rule change in 2024 allows players to choose between an underhand or an overhand serve. This change adds more variety and strategy to the game.

Q2: Has the double bounce rule been completely eliminated in pickleball?

A2: No, the double bounce rule still applies to the return of serve. However, the new rule change in 2024 eliminates the double bounce rule for the serve, making the game faster and more aggressive.

Q3: Can I volley the ball while standing inside the non-volley zone?

A3: No, the new rule change in 2024 allows players to volley the ball only when their momentum is carrying them out of the non-volley zone. This change adds more excitement and dynamic plays near the net.

Q4: How has the scoring system changed in pickleball?

A4: In 2024, both the serving and receiving teams can now score points. Additionally, games are played to 15 points instead of 11, providing more opportunities for players to showcase their skills.

Q5: How many timeouts are teams allowed in pickleball in 2024?

A5: In 2024, teams are allowed two timeouts per game, providing more strategic options and better game management.


As pickleball continues to grow in popularity, it is essential for players to stay updated with the latest rule changes. The new pickleball rules introduced in 2024 aim to enhance the overall gameplay experience, add more variety and strategy, and promote a faster and more aggressive style of play. By understanding and adapting to these new rules, players can elevate their skills and fully enjoythe game of pickleball. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, familiarizing yourself with these rule changes will ensure that you are up to date and ready to compete at your best. So grab your paddle, step onto the court, and embrace the exciting world of pickleball in 2024!

What do you think?

Written by Billy Pickles

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  1. We need the drop serve for beginners and for 3.5/4.0 players that get the yips.
    I was teaching a Beginner 67 year old women and the drop serve was easier for her. We have over 200 pickelball courts in our retirement community in The Villages. New folks are learning this wonderful game everyday. Please leave the drop serve in the game.

  2. We need the drop serve for beginners and for 3.5/4.0 players that get the yips.
    I was teaching a Beginner 67 year old women and the drop serve was easier for her. We have over 200 pickelball courts in our retirement community in The Villages. New folks are learning this wonderful game everyday. Please leave the drop serve in the game.

  3. I agree that we need to keep the drop serve. I am 62 years old, play tennis, basketball, pump iron, and I still try to get Pickleball in once or twice a week. Before the drop serve, I used to have opponents question the legality of my serve, sometimes in the middle of games, especially if they were losing! Now they don’t question this and the game is much more fun. I’ve taught a few of my neighbors the drop serve also and now they get a higher percentage of serves in play. Please keep the drop serve rule, thank you!

  4. I agree that we need to keep the drop serve. I am 62 years old, play tennis, basketball, pump iron, and I still try to get Pickleball in once or twice a week. Before the drop serve, I used to have opponents question the legality of my serve, sometimes in the middle of games, especially if they were losing! Now they don’t question this and the game is much more fun. I’ve taught a few of my neighbors the drop serve also and now they get a higher percentage of serves in play. Please keep the drop serve rule, thank you!

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