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Pickleball Rating Systems: DUPR Vs UTR-P

The DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) and UTR-P (UTR Pickleball Rating) systems are both designed to rate pickleball players, but they have distinct features and methodologies. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two systems:


DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating):

  • A global rating system for various play types.
  • Offers a dynamic and comprehensive rating scale.

UTR-P (UTR Pickleball Rating):

  • Developed from the tennis UTR system.
  • Focuses on dynamic, level-based competition.
  • Partnered with USA Pickleball and APP for official ratings.

Key Differences


  • DUPR: Universal pickleball rating for all play types.
  • UTR-P: Level-based rating system adapted from tennis.

Rating Scale:

  • DUPR: 2.00 (beginners) to 8.00+ (professionals).
  • UTR-P: 1.0 (beginners) to 10.0 (professionals).

Provisional Rating:

  • DUPR: Not applicable.
  • UTR-P: P1-P5 for players without match results.


  • DUPR: Based on match results against rated players.
  • UTR-P: Based on verified and unverified match results.

Match Types:

  • DUPR: Covers singles and doubles play.
  • UTR-P: Separate ratings for singles and doubles play.

Rating Updates:

  • Both systems offer dynamic, regular updates.

Global Reach:

  • DUPR: Aimed at providing a global standard for pickleball player ratings.
  • UTR-P: Leverages the established UTR system from tennis, adapting it for pickleball.


  • DUPR: Available on the DUPR website and app.
  • UTR-P: Accessible through the UTR Sports website and mobile app.

Obtaining a Rating

How to Get a DUPR Rating:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on the DUPR website or through their mobile app.
  2. Play and Record Matches: Participate in matches that are recorded on the DUPR platform.
  3. Ensure Accurate Recording: Make sure match outcomes are properly documented.
  4. Rating Calculation: Your rating is dynamically calculated based on match results.
  5. Active Participation: Regularly play and record matches to keep your rating updated.

How to Get a UTR-P Rating:

  1. Register with UTR Sports: Sign up on the UTR Sports website or through their mobile app.
  2. Participate in Matches: Play in singles and doubles matches tracked by the UTR-P system.
  3. Record Matches: Ensure match results are recorded on the UTR-P platform.
  4. Initial Provisional Rating: Start with a provisional rating (P1-P5) if new to the system.
  5. Conversion to Numeric Rating: Provisional ratings convert to a numeric scale (1.0 to 10.0) based on match results.
  6. Dynamic Rating Updates: Your rating updates dynamically as new match results are recorded.

Player Levels Comparison Table

Rating SystemRating ScalePlayer Levels
DUPR2.00 – 8.00+2.00: Beginner<br>3.00-4.00: Intermediate<br>5.00-6.00: Advanced<br>7.00-8.00+: Professional
UTR-P1.0 – 10.01.0: Beginner<br>2.0-3.0: Social/Casual<br>4.0-5.0: Intermediate<br>6.0-7.0: Advanced<br>8.0-10.0: Expert/Pro

Choosing Between DUPR and UTR-P

Consider Your Playing Style and Goals:

  • DUPR: Ideal for players seeking a global, dynamic rating system reflecting various play types.
  • UTR-P: Suitable for players who prefer a level-based rating system with a structure similar to tennis, focusing on competitive play.

Type of Rating System:

  • DUPR: Offers a dynamic rating that updates regularly based on a broad range of match types.
  • UTR-P: Starts with a provisional rating and transitions to a numeric scale based on match results.

Platform and Community:

  • DUPR: Focused solely on pickleball, providing a dedicated global rating system.
  • UTR-P: Adapts the tennis UTR system to pickleball, appealing to those familiar with tennis ratings.

Looking Up Ratings

DUPR Ratings:

  • Access: View ratings on the DUPR website or mobile app.
  • Find Player Profiles: Public profiles display ratings and match history.
  • Privacy Settings: Some profiles may be private.

UTR-P Ratings:

  • Access: View ratings on the UTR Sports website or mobile app.
  • Search for Players: Public profiles show ratings and match history.
  • Privacy Settings: Visibility depends on players’ privacy settings.

General Guidelines

  • Respect Privacy: Use information responsibly and respect privacy settings.
  • Registration Required: Creating an account may be necessary to access detailed ratings.
  • Real-Time Updates: Ratings are updated regularly to reflect current skill levels.

What do you think?

Written by Pickle Pete

Pete is a semi-professional pickleball player known for his powerful serves and strategic play. Growing up in Austin, Texas, Pete was introduced to the sport at a young age and quickly developed a passion for the game. His athleticism and dedication to training have made him a formidable opponent on the court.

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